Jordi Weggemans

About me

I am a PhD candidate (started January 2021, expected to graduate early 2025) at the Algorithms & Complexity Group of CWI (QuSoft), supervised by Harry Buhrman. Previously, I studied Applied Mathematics (Operations Research track) and Applied Physics (Materials Science track) at the University of Twente, and did a research internship at the University of Cambridge (Quantum materials and devices group).

I am predominantly interested in quantum complexity theory, but have also explored quantum query complexity, fault-tolerant benchmarking and quantum property testing.

Next to research, I write and produce music.

Name:Jordi Weggemans
Affiliation:QuSoft, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Work address:L210, CWI
Science Park 123
1098 XG, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Email:jrw at cwi dot nl

Publications and preprints

Check also my Google scholar profile.



Last update: 09-08-2024